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Maldives: The sun will shine again

Rediscover the memories of the beautiful islands of Maldives from the comfort of your sofa. Join the world in watching the “Maldives, the sun will shine again” virtual journey to the island nation.

Maldives Marketing and PR Corporation (MMPRC) said the “Maldives, the sun will shine again” Facebook event will take place on June 8, 2020 at 8:00 PM local time. The three-hour event aims to bring hope and convey to the world that Maldives is on the road to recovery. Similarly, the tourism industry is getting ready to start welcoming back visitors to the sunny side of life.

MMPRC invites tourism industry partners to send a recorded video message of not more than 60 seconds.

Image credit: Visit Maldives

Re-live the Maldives dream

Be prepared to be virtually transported to some of the very best of Maldives. During the live event, the tourism officials and stakeholders will also unveil their plans for the reopening of tourism.

Well-wishers from around the world including celebrities, key opinion leaders, influencers, artists and fans of Maldives in hand with the tourism industry of Maldives and iconic Maldivian personalities featuring musicians and local talents will come together to show their love, sentiments, wishes, memories and messages to remind that indeed, “the sun will shine again” in the Maldives.

Image credit: Pullman Maldives Maamutaa Resort

Save the date

Showcasing a variety of aspects, the event will be full of surprises and numerous chances to win free holidays to the Maldives.

“Maldives, the sun will shine again” is hosted by MMPRC in association with the Ministry of Tourism, Mondhu Productions, Orca Media Group and Public Service Media (PSM).

Save the date and be part of the Facebook live event on June 8, 2020. The three-hour event will start at 8:00 PM Maldives time (GMT +5).

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