What to expect at this luxury hotel in Tokyo’s 10th anniversary stay package
As Japan starts to re-open, Palace Hotel Tokyo launches celebratory 10th year anniversary stay package, available until May 31, 2023.
Immersive art adventures in Tokyo
Immerse yourself in Tokyo's artistic and cultural wonders, and you'll find that the city offers not just a visual feast but a journey that nourishes the soul. Ready to explore?
When in Tokyo: How to travel mindfully and heal
Travel mindfully in Tokyo. From meditative culinary to refreshed WFH routine, Tokyo’s sky-high sanctuary fosters a sense of well-being and joy.
Horses really can fly, even if they’re not called Pegasus
In a piece of history-making, 36 horses flew into Japan last week—the first full cargo load of horses ever to land in Tokyo airport—in time for the 2020 Olympic equestrian sport.